One of the most damaging aspects of Cultural Marxism and the rise of Groupthink among the Liberal Left is the almost complete obliteration of right-of-centre poets, (to a lesser extent authors) and comedians.
Without any opposing viewpoints in the art world, whether it be high-brow literature and verse or amusing poetry and gags, there is no opportunity for people to engage and make up their own minds about socio-political issues.
One of the ways this has been achieved is through changes in our education system, curriculum, and attitudes of teachers who are increasingly teaching children WHAT to think rather than HOW to think. Only recently it was reported that a school in the UK had blocked access to The Mail online newspaper – this is a nationally available, widely read, respected (by many) high street newspaper not some Nazi propaganda leaflet.
Young impressionables lap this stuff up and take the baton forward – No-platforming right of centre individuals at Universities and banning the sale of perceived right of centre newspapers like the sun, to perpetuate their own ideology. Protests get more violent and feral, as we’ve seen in the US where these so-called AntiFA ‘Progressives’ are tearing down statues of historical figures in an attempt to rewrite history.
I experienced first-hand the vitriol and blinkeredness of the Left recently when I followed someone in the UK poetry scene on twitter. You can read their response, and the poem it spawned tomorrow.
The result is that people with an opposing viewpoint stop speaking, writing and performing for fear of a backlash. Publishers, theatres, clubs and the media stop promoting these people – out of fear themselves or because they are part of the same Cultural Marxist movement.
The outcome is victory for the new Fascists and the legacy of literary greats such as T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, W.B. Yeats, Robert Frost, Gertrude Stein, Philip Larkin, Marianne Moore, Rudyard Kipling and others are lost for a generation.
Do yourself a favour, read some of works by the poets I’ve listed above. And if you feel inclined, read some of my more limited offerings too.
And if you are a right of centre writer, poet or performer and want to be featured on this blog then get in touch and I’ll help spread the word.