What does all this mean?
The Spectator wrote a recent article entitled Why be LGBT when you can be LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA? and it provoked quite an interesting discussion at my local pub, with most people confessing to not understanding what most of these terms meant.
There was also a lot of discussion about why people felt the need to so publicly label themselves and their sexual preferences. Most of us agreed that we prefer to keep our sexuality private and would rather that others did the same.
Of course this is all part of the march or Cultural Marxism which seeks to put everyone into clearly defined boxes and then claim to be the best friend and ally of that ‘box’ of people.
These small groups lap up the support offered as they are, in themselves, a small group and need the larger organ to help fight their corner – classic divide a conquer.
Members of these groups seem oblivious to the fact that the larger CM organ are simultaneously offer the hand of friendship to conflicting causes – backing gay rights on the one hand and fighting Islamophobia (a religion that quite happily throws gay people off of buildings) on the other.
Anyhow, back to the alphabet-soup of new groups. I had a chat this week with my daughter and her best friend, who is a lesbian, to see if they could help me make sense of some of these abbreviations.
I have to say it was quite an eye-opener for me, and I consider myself to be fairly up to date with these things – I have a couple of gay friends and work colleagues and we do chat about this sort of stuff from time to time.
So I wrote this poem –
L – a queer
L – a queer, a female queer
G – he likes it up the bum
T – a name she calls himself
B – will give and take from either one
Q – not straight in their own head
P – will give anything a go
A – prefers a single bed
+ the rest I just don’t know
Phil C.