Unfollow me you prick


Echo chamber

I recently made the mistake of following on twitter, someone connected with the UK Poetry Scene.

Within minutes, they tweeted me back;

unfollow me you prick

Now I wasn’t looking to troll them or criticise. I’m genuinely interested in poetry and open to reading work by people of all shapes, sizes, cultures, creeds, genders, preferences and political persuasions.

But this person (who will remain nameless for now) obviously saw from my profile that I was right of centre and clearly prefers the safe space of their echo chamber. Anyhow, it provided me with the inspiration for this poem;

Unfollow Me You Prick

Unfollow me you prick
I don’t wanna hear your screech
Unfollow me you prick
I’m a fighter for Free Speech

Unfollow me you prick
Prejudice I just don’t do
Unfollow me you prick
We all know ‘bout folk like you

Unfollow me you prick
I’m an advocate of peace
Unfollow me you prick
Fuck you and fuck the police

Unfollow me you prick
No-one tells me what to do
Unfollow me you prick
You should listen to the EU

Unfollow me you prick
Have you contributed today?
Unfollow me you prick
“Mum, have they paid my JSA?”

Unfollow me you wanker
Intolerance makes me sick
Screw you and all you stand for
And unfollow me you prick